Meaningful Life Quest

I have been journaling since I was a teenager and there are so many rewards I continue to get from it.  So, today I’m sharing my personal journal of “Top 10 Things I Learned From 2022.”  I want you to also write what you learned from last year. 

Benefits Of Journaling

  1. Writing down what is going on and how you feel about it is therapeutic.  Instead of reacting to situations, you think through it and the process of choosing those thoughts and words to put on paper helps you to practice choosing better thoughts. 
  2. When you feel you aren’t making progress or are going backwards, you can reflect to last month or last year and see that you are doing well. 
  3. You will notice how your thoughts about circumstances change over time and how you have changed and grown. It is a nudge to say, “You’ve got this.  You can do it.” 

So, take 20 minutes and tell me 5 things you learned from 2022.

Here’s my list:

  1. There is magic to the universe. I wrote out goals and things I needed/wanted this year and it was $$. College, cars, savings…..  Then out of nowhere, this opportunity to make 2x as much money and more came up.  I’ve always believed in magic how things come together when you write them down but this year more than any other year….it came true and 10 fold.  Also with my podcast dream….it could not be a better situation.
  2. Traveling feeds my soul.  I was able to do some fun things this year with CA, Mexico and Hawaii.  I have planned ALOT of traveling in 2023 too and plan to go, go, go until the day I die. 
  3. I had an aha moment this year because I’ve always blamed things I’m not doing on being too busy – which I was busy. But now that I’m not busy – I’m still struggling to exercise religiously or to write blog posts, etc. So, it tells me, whatever your excuse is…it IS just an excuse. If you want to make time for it you will.  And I am the MOST productive, energetic, positive, give it all you have people I know. So, if I am struggling…..most others are too. Haha.
  4. I am grateful for who I am. When people act like helping others is a huge burden or if someone is mean on social media – I genuinely don’t get it. This company, called me a bully in an email and it didn’t phase me because well…I’m just not a bully. I don’t have time for unnecessary words. I’m pretty good at being brief. I have to be to get all my stuff done that I want to do. 
  5. There is magic in doing what you can, when you can the best that you can.  When I look at helping friends, family or colleagues I realized that small gestures of kindness can be just as effective as big ones.
  6. I’m proud of how brave I am. Many people talk and don’t take action. I take a lot of pride in mostly doing what I say I’m going to do. 
  7. Just because my mind thinks it will be hard – doesn’t mean it will be. Like, In reality – facing those fears feels so good and empowering and how do we get people to get out of their heads and to do those hard things so that their life is better?
  8. You have to make small progress every….single…day. There are too many awesome things about life and to reach your goals…you have to keep walking…walking…walking.
  9. When you are busy – you don’t focus on things that don’t really matter. You don’t have time to. This lady on this message board was going on about how someone left a review that there were spanish speaking people on the boat.  She assumed it was negative. I did not read it that way at all. I read that there was a language barrier and not many people to talk to. When I read things..I skim and then I assume the best. If it’s negative I usually just keep on going.
  10. Maybe the biggest lesson I’ve learned is…to let people figure things out on their own. The girls have thrived with me being gone. Mom said it was good for her too.  So, I think I naturally cater to them and try to help them to a fault; maybe hindering their growth in ways – although that is not what I want at all.

Ok – signing out for 2022!


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