Meaningful Life Quest

In my very first blog post we talked about how your “meaningful life map” can set a foundation for not only YOUR vision of your life but what others will see and adjust to. Click here if you have not created your initial list. 

We are going to work on part 2 of a 3-part adventure of our meaningful life map. So, why is this important?  Because In a day,  we have calls, texts, drivers, colleagues, family, friends, the t.v. internet, and on and on…..distractions.  Time is our biggest resource and it is important that we use it wisely.

Do you want to know how to.create more time for yourself?) It’s by taking the time to really drill into what is important to you.  Many of us end up spending time on other people’s agendas. Not that it’s always a bad thing. If you are helping a friend, that is a good thing. But, if you spend a day watching t.v. instead of going after your hopes and dreams…you could have spent your time more wisely. 

Another way to look at it is…if you are stressed, angry, exhausted or emotional, I believe with all my heart that you are not in alignment with the reason you were put on this planet. Likely, you are focused on all the things not going your way -(the past) instead of where you are headed (the future)

Anyone who’s been in a job that wasn’t a good fit or with a group of friends that you just didn’t enjoy being with…you feel it. Something is off.  Then, when things are right again you are grateful. It’s like going on vacation to get away from home…but then realizing while you are away…you miss your home. 

So, let’s get you home. Let’s get back to basics. 

When you are doing the things that fill your bucket you feel this immense joy.  Like today, a lady I work with was going on vacation after her shift. She was radiating joy.  She was smiling from ear to ear, laughing, playing, talking. It’s so hard to be grumpy around someone filled with so much happiness and positivity.  She lifted the entire office!  All of us can feel this in some capacity every day – and can be a light in the lives of others. 

Imagine yourself, being crystal clear on what makes you happy. What do you want to spend your time doing and why? Imagine at the end of the day saying, “Wow…I made progress today!”  It’s such a good feeling. It’s a gift that I want to help you achieve.

So let’s get started. You have your list of 25 things and today you are going to narrow that list to 10.. You can do this. It’s hard, I know but it will help you get crystal clear on what is most important to you.  You are going to be so proud of yourself when this is finished.

When you go on a journey like a vacation or a walk you have to choose your destination. You have to choose a path. You have to, many times, say no to options so that you can say yes to what you are most interested in.  If you haven’t listened to “how to say no without saying “no” podcast click here.  I give you some cool tools to be proactive in saying no where it doesn’t seem so difficult.

Some of you have never thought about your own dreams and interests and for years you’ve put those aside to raise your kids, help your parents or to support your friends.  These are all good things but you have to find the balance.  You can do all of these things while allocating more time for yourself and less in other places.  We’ll get there. 

You have to be brave and be honest with yourself. Sometimes, we want to blame others when it’s actually us who agreed to do whatever it is that we’re upset about. We’ve spent so much time on other people’s hopes and dreams. 

So, start at the bottom and see if 25 is more important than 24. If it is then is it more important than 23? 22?  And so on. Take your time with this.  At some point you will see which of your hopes and dreams for your life made it in the top 10.  That is our focus.

Join us on the facebook group and share your initial list and your new list.  I promise you that you are not going to be the same person as you were when you wrote this list.  There is so much magic in investing time in yourself and knowing what is important to you.

I’m so proud of you,


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