Meaningful Life Quest

I hope you have made progress on your meaningful life map.  If you haven’t started, click here and I will help you. You should have started with a list of 25 things about your meaningful life and why every day has intention and meaning for you.  Then, we narrowed that list to 10 to challenge those of you who have opportunities on being laser focused on your hopes and dreams.

Since my girls were born, I have struggled with working out and doing things, like starting a podcast, that were important to me.  Yes, I was busy, and so I told myself that being a mom was more important and let some other things go.  Does this ring true for you? What have you been neglecting in your life?

Then, last year, I had an opportunity to work in another state for a few months and to make more money on a special assignment and I jumped at it because my girls were now adults off to college. I made a list of everything I wanted to accomplish with exercise being at the top of the list.

Although I’m 50, I’m still learning a lot about myself.  I STILL struggled to work out every day.  I’ve been making excuses my whole life and I’m continuing to make excuses when I know I have all the time in the world to do it!  It’s funny because in some way we want to accomplish all of our hopes and dreams and at the same time, some part of our primal brain loves to stay in those warm covers, doing things that are easier to do.

Tell me this isn’t just me!!

So, if this is you too, here are some tips to make progress!

  1. Realize that it’s our nature not to do things differently. So, when you are starting something new, it’s likely that you will think of reasons to wait. Have you ever wanted to start something new on Monday or the first of the year?  The key is start now and to keep going and to create new pathways where it’s easier for your brain to say, “I’ve already done this. I can do it again more easily.”

2. Break it down into more manageable pieces.  One of my goals this year is to create Roth IRA’s accounts for my girls. With them being in college and everything else we have going on, I’m not going to be able to contribute what I’d set out to; at least not at first. However, I can do a fraction of my goal. By doing this I’ve set up the accounts and automated the process of taking money out of my account and putting it into theirs.  If you are struggling with the big task then take a step back and think of one thing you can do to move you closer to your goal.

3. Don’t stop. Go sideways if you must be keep working. If you can’t do what you want to today, leave it on your list. Go to your next to-do item.  Keep making progress regardless of how small it is.  You will find that what is difficult one day may not be issue on another day.  If it’s important to you, keep it on your list. Talk about it to friends to get their ideas. You will be surprised how the universe has a way of putting an easier path in front of you. Keep your eyes and ears open for that. Be kind to yourself and reassure yourself when the timing is right you will take another step forward on it. 

You’ve shown up today. You’ve read this. That’s amazing and you should be proud of yourself.


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