Meaningful Life Quest

One night, when my girls were younger, I got up early to have time on my computer without interruptions.  An add popped up for an adult camp where you spent time in nature, ate healthy, had access to workshops and exercise classes.  I looked at the price point and signed up with no hesitation.  Why did I do that? My friends and family thought I was crazy. But, with every fiber of my being, I knew that it was something I needed and craved and was willing to talk a risk to explore.  I went to that camp every year until they stopped having it. It was called Camp GLP (Good Life Camp.)

Your life is influenced by what you read, look at, listen to and spend your time doing.  Some of us feel we don’t have a choice but may I ask you to think about the top three people you spend your time with. Are they encouraging you?  Are you happy when you are with them?  In the event that you need ideas how to make shifts and changes in your landscape of friends, here are some ideas because you are not alone. Your people, those who have the same hopes and dreams as you, are looking for you. Here’s how to find them.

  1. Be clear on your goals such as where you are and where you want to go.  When you make your hopes and dreams more transparent, you will find that you start making different, more improve choices that get you more exposure to and toward you tribe.
  2. Take the time to look at meetups and/or groupons where you live that are aligned with your meaningful life map. The more trial and error you have, the more you get to know yourself. Some meetups that I’ve attended in the past were how to coupon, toastmasters and teaching.
  3. Limit your time with those whose energy drags you down. For tips on how to say no without saying “no” click here.  You will free up more time to be around people going in your direction.

Hey, you are doing great. Learning new things is hard and even scary.  I want you to be proud of yourself for taking time out of your day for self improvement. 

Keep doing it!


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